As for the rest of my life, I'm still trying to recover from my hectic Hand Therapy assignment that I handed in this past Sunday. It's like I'm now just want to chill...yet there is SO MUCH TO DO! I'm writing Anatomy exam in 3 weeks! (Not really all that prepared yet...kinda scary.) And before my 4th Study block, I still have to finish 4 assignments. Crazy stuff!
Some more great news is that one of my best friends got engaged on T
Yesterday we went to Pretoria University to take one of our school children for an AAC assessment (Augmentive and Alternative Communication assessment). In the process I also picked up my application forms to study my Masters Degree in AAC next year. Yet, today I'm not really sure how I will cope with another 2 years of studying! But I'll push ahead, as it is a very interesting field of study and could assist me greatly in becoming a better OT within the Special Needs Education realm.
Tonight I'm trying to just relax, read a book, pack my bags (we're going to Potch tomorrow afternoon) and get into bed early. Hope everyone had a lovely week!