Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Unhealthy eating habits

I'm not one for over-the-top, super-creamy&rich food. But MAN, have I invested in some seriously nice food over the past weekend, and up till today?

Sunday I decided to make pumpkin fritters (actually, more like little round balls of pumpkin-mixture) that wa DOUSED with caramel sauce (homeade - naturally!). THEN, I made some more pumpkin fritter-balls last night, this time without any sauce. Added to that I sliced up quite a few baby potatoes, then fried them and proceded to cover them in salt&vinegar seasoning (read: loads of MSG).

But tonight we came home late, and that called for some vetkoek to be made. I bought some ready-made bread dough from the shops, and then made these babies!!! As my brother, Otto, explained it to a non-South African one day - it's the donut without the hole. And this picture shows EXACTLY the way we had it tonight - even had Lyle's golden syrup in the green tin... SOOOOOO unbelievably good!

Thank goodness for comfort-food South African-style!

Monday, August 22, 2011

My Geeky Husband's 30th Birthday Party

My husband celebrated his big 3-0 birthday 1 1/2 weeks ago. Since he did not have the best of birthdays last year (my brother passed away 3 days before my husband's birthday, and then my sister-in-law's brother passed away ON my husband's 29th birthday), I thought this year better be fun.

First he wanted to have a mountain bike party with just family. But I thought friends should really be included. Then another birthday party and a bachelor's was organised for the 6th of August (when we would've had his party), and he decided to cancel everything.

I, on the other hand, decided to throw him a surprise 30th! The theme??? Android and GEEK! (My husband is an absolute geek, he likes ANYTHING geeky, his website is, catch my drift???)

I spent several afternoons at my 3rd brother's house cutting Android stencils out of X-rays, and stenciling Androids onto paper plates using green food colouring. I proceeded to cut an Android stamp from a potato to stamp the serviettes with (using lime green craft paint). My brother's kids, Ivan, Zoë and Joël, all got pulled into this Android-spirit by making cards with Androids, drawing Android men until they perfected it, and Ivan and Zoë even made an Android poster for Thinus at 23h00 the night before the party!!!! My sister-in-law, Brenda, is a WHIZ when it comes to decorating cakes, and so she was summoned to make a lovely, BIG, chocolate and vanilla marble cake (2 layers) with caramel treat in-between and decorating it with none other than: ANDROID! We even made cupcakes decorated with little Android men (once again, the kids were a GREAT help, since my husband pitched up at my brother's house 2 hours before we expected him to!).

Sooooo, here's the link to my husband's website. Go check out his "Turning 30 the Geeky Way" post and all the lovely pictures he took (using his Android phone, a Samsung Galaxy S) and attached :-D

At least now I know I will one day be able to pull off themed parties for our kids :-)))))