Monday, June 16, 2008

Friends that are worth sticking with... and a Hubby-update

Last night I asked one of my very special friends to join me for church. She was immediately excited and we started working out the logistics of such a visit (since she stays about 35km away from me). I went to pick her up, but 10 minutes before I reached her house, the adrenalin already started pumping. By the time I got there, I was so excited that my legs felt like jelly and driving was somewhat of a struggle for me!

Anyway, went to church (where the minister had prepared an awesome sermon), got back home and started chatting. But you see, this is not just any kind of friend, this is like my spiritual sister... I love her so much! And her family has accepted me to be one of their own...which helped in my first year of study in a new, strange city! We ended up eating LOTS of cake at home (the best chocolate-fudge cake I've EVER eaten), and just chatting the evening away. Finally, at 22H00, we decided that maybe it is time that I returned to my (still-in-pain) husband.

The point that I am trying to make here, is this: Although I don't get to see this friend very often as she is currently studying away from home (at Pretoria University) and I'm working my butt off at Orange Farm, we really make an effort to get together. And when we do get together, my husband is wise enough to know that I will be home late...very late!

Because friends like these are hard to come by, and I am fortunate to say that I have quite a few friends who gets my adrenalin pumping without seeing them, and who makes friendship worth fighting for. I love all my friends dearly, and it really helps to know that we will always be able to pray together as much as we play together and chat together. 'Cause God is the center of our friendship, and you don't get a better foundation than Him!

* * * * *

About my hubby: He was in theater for a mere hour before returning to his hospital room. By 18H00 on the day of his surgery, we were on our way home - JUST in time for him to watch 7de Laan. He is doing well, although still experiencing a lot of pain. As I am writing this (at 08H30 in the morning) he is sleeping, because being awake just holds too much aches and pains. But we are surviving this (Synap Forte is the BEST painkillers EVER!), and fortunately he has no bruising whatsoever and the swelling has subsided considerably.

He will be returning to work tomorrow (I really feel for him, the poor dude!), but we believe that he will be better than ever in performing a good job.

I will probably blog later this week...but for now I'm signing off to go and clean up and tidy my house, as this is a public holiday and these are hard to come by!


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