Tonight (Sunday, 31 January 2010), at approximately 22H00, my Aunt Ina passed away after a long time of physical suffering and emotional heartache.
It's been 8 1/2 years since her husband passed away, and her life basically came to a standstill. For without her husband, she had very little reason to live... the only reason for her life on earth, as she had often said, was that God was not yet done with her on earth. He still had plans for her...
But tonight God finally allowed her to go Home to Him, where she will no longer endure suffering of any kind, nor rejection. She's made free, and will spend eternity with her loving Heavenly Father.
We're going to miss her sorely, but we know that this is for the best. May God's love and peace always envelope her. And may her sons come to know what a wonderful, albeit sometimes difficult, woman she truly was. May everyone remember her for her good.
Thank you to everyone who helped to look after her. Those who accepted her unconditionally and took care of her needs. Thank you Mom and Dad for giving her a place to live and giving her a second family. You guys are all amazing...
I love you auntie Ina, and I'm so happy that you can now be in Heaven with your husband and with our Lord Jesus Christ. You deserve nothing less!
I'm so thankful that your Aunt knew jesus! She is in the most amazing place right now, as u can imagine.. (: I cannot imagine losing my husband like that, SO sad! I'm sure u feel exactly the same about Thinus.. We are all blessed with such wonderful husbands..I'm SO thankful for that.
I hope u all are doing better since the loss of your aunt.. Prayin for u as always! (:
I don't think the reality of it all has sunk in just yet. My aunt's funeral is only on Friday 19 Feb, since my parents are currently in the Western-Cape (Until this coming Sunday). I think it will feel more real when I walk into my parents' house and see the empty room - I must say I'm somewhat dreading that.
It is good to know that she knew Jesus. That does comfort one.
Thanks for your love and prayers!
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